Ultraviolette F77: An Electric Marvel... or Just Another Flash in the Pan?

Electric Motorcycle Ultraviolette F77 - Captain Electro

I've been covering everything that's got wheels for more decades than I'd like to admit. From the growls of gasoline engines to now, these oddly silent electric ones. And here we are, yet again, with a new kid on the block trying to convince this old dog that electric motorcycles can... actually... go the distance.

Enter the Ultraviolette F77, birthed from the depths of India's e-mobility scene. Now, this isn't your grandma's e-scooter. No, it’s not looking to win your heart with practicality and utility. It's here to take your lunch money and impress you with a wink. Think of a leather jacket clad bad-boy but without the emissions.

Two Electric Motorcycles Ultraviolette 77 Parked Along the Road - Captain Electro

A chap named Baala Manikandan, who must've felt the electric winds of destiny, decided to embark on a journey aboard this electric steed. Covering a mind-boggling 4,204 miles in just 22 days. If you're like me, needing a moment to pick your jaw off the floor, take your time. This averages out to 191 miles a day. From Chennai to Bengaluru, over mountains, through monsoons and let’s not forget the impressive temperature fluctuation from teeth-chattering 5ºF to a sizzling 113ºF. And, bless, the F77 took it like a champ without going up in sparks.

Oh, and did I mention? This journey made both the India and Asia Book of Records. For an electric bike, from a company I had to double-check wasn’t a new brand of suntan lotion, that’s no small beans.

Red and Black Electric Motorcycle Ultraviolette 77 - Captain Electro

Now, for those tech-savvy munchkins among us, Manikandan frequently used the bike's Combat Mode. Combat? What is it, a transformer? Apparently, it sits cozy between the Glide and Ballistic power modes. The Combat Mode was evidently enough to combat 14 states of varying terrains. And here’s the zinger – Manikandan saved around 71 gallons of fuel. His entire charging cost for the journey was less than what I pay for my latte! Just under $5 USD, in case you were wondering.

So, where does this leave us? The F77, with its sultry top speed of 95 mph and a real-world range of 192 miles per charge, is indeed turning heads. Throw in an eight-year warranty, and we might just be witnessing the dawn of a new electric era.

Two Electric Motorcycles Ultraviolette 77 Parked Along the Country Road - Captain Electro

In the grand scheme, is the Ultraviolette F77 the game-changer we've been waiting for? Maybe. Will it make you forget the nostalgic purr of gasoline engines? Probably not. But, ladies and gentlemen, if you ever doubted the capability of electric bikes, the F77 just mic dropped its way into history.

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.


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