Mika Häkkinen's Electrifying Comeback: Verge's Limited Edition Superbike Roars into the Future!

Mika Häkkinen Sitting on his own Limited Edition Electric Motorcycle Verge TS Pro - Captain Electro

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Verge Motorcycles, an outfit keen on being the Elon Musk of the two-wheel world, has gone and gotten in bed with none other than Mika "the Flying Finn" Häkkinen. Yes, the same Häkkinen who sped round and round tracks like a crazed seagull on a rollercoaster, bagging two F1 championships while he was at it. Now, instead of the wine and cheese advisory board affairs, he's apparently designing motorbikes!

Their baby, an electric superbike (sound the alarms, we're in the future now!) is based on Verge's TS Pro. It boasts a snazzy hubless motor, cranking out 737 lb-ft of torque in an instant. That's the kind of power that makes your underwear change color.

Häkkinen, ever the artist, didn't just slap his signature on it and call it a day. No, he fiddled about with every nut, bolt, and washer. Häkkinen has left his mark on every aspect, from the hubless motor to the color of the stitching - oh, did I mention that each of these babies is numbered and comes with an exclusive signature? It's like James Bond's Aston Martin, only without the ejection seat. Sadly.

Now for the undercarriage, it's got an all-black suspension that travels about 120mm up front and 106mm at the back. The saddle - a cool 780mm from the ground - is a mix of dappled and smooth leather, dyed to complement the bike's brooding gray and silver paint job.

Verge TS Pro Mika Häkkinen Edition Motorcycle - Captain Electro

There's also a carbon fiber surround on the battery, a tip of the hat to Häkkinen’s F1 days, while the rest of the frame sports a chic ceramic coating that's about as scratch resistant as an adamantium Wolverine.

This beast is driven by a 102kW power unit (that's about 137 horses, for those of you still clinging to the petrol days), fueled by a battery that charges faster than it takes for you to decide what pizza toppings you want.

Don't worry about running out of juice in the middle of nowhere. This eco-warrior claims a range of up to 217 miles on a full charge. That's like travelling from London to Manchester without stopping. Plus, a quick ten-minute charge gives you around 60 miles - ideal for those who fancy a spontaneous jaunt to the countryside on a Sunday afternoon. Don't tell your other half I suggested it, though.

Tuomo Lehtimäki, the big boss at Verge, seems about as excited as a kid in a candy store about the whole thing. And why wouldn't he be? After all, they're collaborating with a legend.

Verge TS Pro Mika Häkkinen Edition Driving On The Racing Track - Captain Electro

These special edition superbikes (only 100 of them in existence, like unicorns) will cost a whopping USD 86,000 (EUR 80,000) each. Before you faint, let's walk through the details again:

  1. It's a signature edition. Häkkinen himself has touched every one of these babies. If that's not worth a few extra quid, I don't know what is.

  2. Carbon fiber detailing to remind you of Mika's F1 glory days.

  3. The stealthy two-tone paint job with blackout rear suspension for extra cool points.

  4. It's got a hubless motor, which is so 2030, I can't even.

  5. Ceramic finish. Fancy and functional.

Mika Häkkinen On His Motorcycle Verge TS Pro - Captain Electro

There you have it. All the bells and whistles of an electric superbike that's a cut above the rest, designed by an F1 superstar. Now, all I need is a track, a helmet, and maybe a change of underwear. Let's ride!

Yours truly,

Captain Electro


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