The Curious Case of Yamaha’s Three-Wheeled Electric Wunderkind

The Curious Case of Yamaha’s Three-Wheeled Electric Wunderkind - Yamaha Tricera Electric Trike -

I’ve seen some things in my time. Cars that promise the world but can barely handle a roundabout. Motorcycles that look good on paper, but only if that paper's crumpled up and tossed in the bin. But now? Ah, Yamaha has unveiled something which might be, and I say this with all the caution of a cat on a hot tin roof, a game changer. They call it the Tricera, and no, it's not a dino, though the idea does seem to have evolved straight from the Jurassic period.

So, what’s the buzz? This Tricera, with its electric heartbeat, is a three-wheeler. Yep, three! Makes you wonder if Yamaha’s designers had one wheel left over from another project and thought, "Eh, why not?" Now, these three-wheelers aren't exactly new. They’ve been lingering around the corners of the automotive world, trying to fit in. But Yamaha’s take? A whole new league. 

The Curious Case of Yamaha’s Three-Wheeled Electric Wunderkind - Yamaha Tricera Electric Trike -

Let's talk size. This baby boasts an open cockpit and cozy seating for two. Imagine cruising down the highway, hair fluttering with the wind, a buddy by your side, and not a door in sight. Very Flintstones meets Tron, I must say. Oh, and that extra wheel? It’s not just sitting there looking pretty. It steers! Now if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, I don’t know what will. Think of the nifty maneuvers you could pull on tight corners.

What’s more, this three-wheeled steering means you can either have the wheels turning in joyous harmony or in complete, rebellious chaos. In practical terms? Extra agility and stability when you need it. And if it gets too rowdy? Just switch off that rear steering and go the old-fashioned way.

The Curious Case of Yamaha’s Three-Wheeled Electric Wunderkind - Yamaha Tricera Electric Trike -

They've not spilled the beans on the exact power output or battery capacity, which is typical, dangling the proverbial electric carrot before our hungry eyes. Word around the pitstop is a range of roughly 62 miles (100 km) on one charge and a zip to the exhilarating speed of 50 mph (80 kph). A slow race, perhaps, but a race nonetheless.

And for those wondering if this electric Triceratops will ever roam our streets, well, that’s still up in the smoke-free, electrically charged air. But here’s the thing: this concept has got me, the eternal skeptic, hoping it does. If not for the novelty, then just for the sheer joy of seeing people’s reactions.

Wrapping up, Yamaha’s not just bringing this one trick pony to the Japan Mobility Show 2023. We'll also see the Motoroid 2 AI motorcycle concept, a three-wheel trail bike that probably leans more than a tipsy sailor, and a hydrogen-fueled buggy. Quite the lineup!

So, buckle up, my friends, or in the case of the Tricera, just hang on tight. The future, as Yamaha sees it, is electric, rebellious, and utterly eccentric. And I’m (almost) all here for it.

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.

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