The CR-Dos – Ghost: An Electric Motorcycle That's Cooler Than an Eskimo's Fridge

The CR-Dos – Ghost: An Electric Motorcycle That's Cooler Than an Eskimo's Fridge - CR-Dos - Ghost -

I've spent years zipping around in gasoline-guzzling monsters that roar like they're auditioning for a metal concert. But now, my friends, it's time to shift gears, quite literally, as we dive into the electrifying world of two-wheeled wonders. Today, I've got something that'll make you grin wider than a Cheshire cat on a caffeine bender – the CR-Dos – Ghost, a concept electric motorcycle that's as transparent as a politician's promises.

Picture this: you're cruising down the street on this electric marvel, and curious onlookers can't resist craning their necks to see what the fuss is all about. Why? Because this bike rocks transparent, plastic-like panels that wrap around its body like a clingy ex – they let you peek inside and serve as a nifty anti-heat shield to keep your precious legs from turning into Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The CR-Dos – Ghost: An Electric Motorcycle That's Cooler Than an Eskimo's Fridge - CR-Dos - Ghost -

Now, I know what you're thinking – "What's so special about peering inside a motorcycle, mate?" Well, hold onto your handlebars, because what you'll find is a mesmerizing web of continuous wires that wouldn't be out of place in your grandma's oven or the belly of an alien spacecraft. It's like a portable heater that decided to moonlight as a bike engine, emitting an orange glow that's as warm as a cozy campfire.

The design of this custom cafe racer might remind you of a computer case, with its slim exterior that gracefully slopes before revealing its edgy secrets. And just like a computer case that lights up in the dark, this baby does the same when the sun goes down. It's a showstopper, folks – an electric spectacle that'll make you feel like you're riding into a neon-lit cyberpunk future. And who's the genius behind this rolling work of art? None other than Gurmukh Bhasin, who clearly has a knack for turning motorcycles into pieces of automotive art.

The CR-Dos – Ghost: An Electric Motorcycle That's Cooler Than an Eskimo's Fridge - CR-Dos - Ghost -

But that's not all, my friends. The CR-Dos – Ghost doesn't just rely on its transparent panels to turn heads. It's got seating that's comfier than your favorite deck chair. I mean, imagine lounging on what looks like leather-clad heaven, ready to take on the open road. The rear end of this electric beauty is elongated, and it's not just for show – it's there to make room for a beefier rear wheel. And when you hit the throttle, the chain whirls and dances like it's auditioning for "Dancing with the Wheels."

Not enough? Well, the CR-Dos – Ghost is all about setting the mood with its lighting. At the back, it sports a bold red glow that signals to the world behind you, "Hey, I'm stopping, so you better slow down, buddy!" Meanwhile, up front, cool-blue lighting projects a beam that's brighter than your uncle's crazy ideas, lighting up the path ahead like a runway at a fashion show. It's a light show on two wheels, and it's bound to turn heads wherever it goes.

Now, before you start shopping for your very own CR-Dos – Ghost, there's one tiny detail I should mention – it's still a concept. Yeah, I know, it's like finding out the cake at the party is actually made of cardboard. But don't fret, my fellow riders, because Gurmukh Bhasin has big plans. He wanted to design an electric motorbike with transparent panels to flaunt its inner beauty, and he's certainly succeeded in making our jaws drop.

Speaking of the man himself, when asked about his inspiration, Gurmukh had this to say: "I originally designed the tire as a fun little test on an idea I had in my head. That design led to designing the wheel and eventually turned into creating the entire motorbike. I had fun celebrating the structural elements, playing with materials, and creating a complex layering of parts and shapes." Well, Gurmukh, I must say, we're having just as much fun admiring your creation!

The CR-Dos – Ghost: An Electric Motorcycle That's Cooler Than an Eskimo's Fridge - CR-Dos - Ghost -

So, there you have it  – the CR-Dos – Ghost, a concept electric motorcycle that's as eye-catching as it is innovative. It's like a window into the future of motorcycling, and I can't wait to see if this electrifying vision becomes a reality. Until then, keep your eyes peeled, and who knows, you might just spot this transparent wonder on the streets, leaving a trail of awestruck faces in its wake. Stay tuned for more electrifying adventures, and remember, four wheels may move the body, but two wheels move the soul. Cheers to the future of riding!

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.

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