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Hydrogen Horizons: Riding Waves of Change with the Hydra

Sit back, relax, and grab your favorite cuppa because we're about to dive into a motorcycle that makes me feel like my years around bikes have been, well, a tad old-fashioned. Remember when we thought electric bikes were the future? Enter the Hydra, a motorcycle fueled by hydrogen that looks like it rolled straight out of a sci-fi flick.

For those of you thinking, "What on earth is this Hydra?" – let me explain. Imagine three blokes, Anton Brousseau, Andre Taylforth, and Anton Guzhov, not just sharing a love for bikes, but also an office space at the globally recognized firm, Kiska Design. What started as daily coffee breaks and chats soon transformed into a motoring marvel.

Now, I've ridden my fair share of bikes. From the gritty dirt bikes to those that make your heart race just by looking at them. But the Hydra? It's something else. It feels like someone decided to merge a motocross with a spaceship. Mind you - this wasn't born out of some random Friday night doodling. It took a year of grit, gallons of coffee, and probably a few squabbles over design aesthetics. A process that involved not just sketching, but 3D modeling, branding, and even a bit of movie-making!

What's even more fascinating, is where the idea sprouted from. Now, I've found inspiration in some strange places myself, like the oddly shaped stain on my garage floor that one time. But these guys? They looked at 'micro-oceanic exploratory vehicles'. Yes, those submarines that poke around deep-sea trenches. Why? For their compact hydrogen fuel cell tech and long cruising ranges. And while they were at it, they made sure to throw in a bit of real-world considerations and design bravado. "Why not make it look good while being practical?" seems to be the thought.

Interestingly enough, the team never really intended to take this baby to market. But sometimes, the universe has different plans. The hydrogen cell industry – usually not the type to go gaga over concept bikes – raised an intrigued eyebrow. Discussions ensued, and who knows, we might just see this aquatic space bike on the road someday.

Now, here's a fact that might tickle your curious bone: The Hydra project, even though it's a head-turner, was actually a fun experiment for the trio. They saw the bike not just as a means of transport but as a symbol of freedom, a mechanical embodiment of unchained spirit.

It's been almost a year since this hydrogen-fueled wonder was introduced to the world, and ever since that show-stopping unveil in September 2022, it's been eerily quiet. It's like seeing a shooting star and then waiting for it to reappear. Will it? Won't it? Only time will tell.

All in all, whether the Hydra ever makes it to our driveways or remains an awe-inspiring concept, one thing's for sure: It's redefined how we look at motorcycles. So, the next time you're revving your engine at a traffic light, just remember – there might be a Hydra waiting to whizz past you on a wave of hydrogen.