Fuell Fllow Turns Into a Giant Fuell Fllop
Image Credit: FUELL.
It seems another electric motorcycle company has gone the way of the dodo. This time, it's Fuell, the brainchild of Erik Buell, a man who once held a prominent position in the American motorcycle industry. You see, after leaving Buell Motorcycles, Erik decided to try his hand at e-mobility with Fuell Inc. They had some electric bicycles and a full-size electric motorcycle in the works.
On paper, the Fuell Fllow looked pretty darn cool. They claimed a 150-mile range on a single charge and a continuous output of 47 horsepower. Fuell started taking pre-orders for this futuristic machine at $100 a pop, with the remaining $13,995 due upon delivery. They promised to get the Fllow to customers by September 2024. It actually looked so good that I put my own money down for one. I made room in the garage and created a nice and cozy spot for my own piece of history. That's what I did consider the Fllow to be at the time.
But guess what? It's November, and the Fllow is still MIA. Why? Because Fuell has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Apparently, they ran out of cash to produce and ship their products. Oh, the irony! A company called "Fuell" running out of fuel… And it's not just the motorcycle. Their e-bikes, the Flluid-2 and Flluid-3, met a similar fate. They raised over $1.5 million in crowdfunding just for them two, but those bikes never saw the light of day either.
Image Credit: FUELL.
Fuell says they tried to raise more money to pay off their debts and ship the pre-ordered e-bikes, but no dice. They can't deliver the bikes or refund their customers because, according to their attorney, they're broke and have no employees left to answer questions. Sounds like a scene straight out of a Scooby-Doo episode, doesn't it?
I understand that crowdfunding and pre-orders always carry a risk. But a company like Fuell? I'm not saying there was any foul play, but perhaps they underestimated the post-pandemic market and the current economic climate. People are cutting back on recreational spending, and let's face it, a $14,000 electric motorcycle isn't exactly a necessity.
On the other hand, it seemed there were enough like-minded sci-fi fans ready to pony up their hard-earned cash for one of the most futuristic electric motorcycles on the market. The Fllow wasn't that wild - the design was simple, the tech behind it was feasible - what went wrong?
The first campaign run by Fuell netted the company $3 million and was a runaway success. After that, a second campaign started; this time, it was open to the public. The number of people who got involved in that one is sketchy at best, and there is no official information available. Fuell has gone quiet; nobody is answering any questions, and while the website is still up, you cannot place any orders.
Image Credit: FUELL.
So, is there anything to learn from this painful experience? First, don't believe everything you read on the internet. Always do your research before investing in a company, especially one that's taking pre-orders for a product that doesn't exist yet. It doesn't matter who and however famous is behind it - the more skeptical you are, the better.
Second, be wary of crowdfunding campaigns. Sure, they can be a great way to support new and innovative products. Unfortunately, there's always a risk that the project will fail, and you'll lose your money. Crowdfunding through dedicated platforms is actually safer; at least there, you have a chance to get some, if not all, of your money back.
Third, remember that the electric vehicle market is still in its early stages. There will be a lot of bumps along the road, and some companies will inevitably fail. But that doesn't mean we should give up on electric vehicles altogether. The technology is constantly improving, and there are some truly amazing electric vehicles out there. I wish Fllow was one of them, but so do thousands of other people who put their money down for one.
Keep your chin up, fellow e-mobility enthusiasts. The future is still electric, even if it's not always smooth sailing. Am I happy about what happened? Heck, no! I'm sure many of you out there are angry - and rightly so. But what's done is done - however painful it is. Maybe someone will pick up the pieces and get the Fuell up and running again? Maybe Fllow will eventually materialize? Until then, I'll stick to my trusty old bicycle. At least I know it won't run out of fuel.