Captain Electro

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Electric Tricycle on Steroids: Cryptomining While You’re Not Cruisin'!

Well butter my biscuit and call me Sally, the future has finally rolled in - on three wheels! If you've ever woken up and thought, "I wish there was something halfway between a car and a motorcycle that also doubles as a cryptocurrency mining machine," you're weirdly specific. But today's your lucky day.

Enter Daymak Avvenire's Spiritus. Coming straight from the lab-coated geniuses of Toronto, it’s like they decided to take Batman’s weekend toy, give it an eco-friendly heart, and paint it with a layer of cryptocurrency. With the aerodynamics of a jet, it’s got two wheels in the front, one at the back, and a penchant for defying expectations. Its barely-there weight of 1366.87 lbs (620 kg) means this thing zips around quicker than rumors in a small town.

But here's where the rubber meets the road, folks. The Spiritus isn’t just a one-trick pony. No sir! They're launching two versions: The Spiritus Deluxe and The Spiritus Ultimate. Now, the Deluxe, priced at a mere $22,995 (apparently the cost of modernity), can take you from 0 to 60 mph in a respectable 5 seconds, and run 249 miles before crying out for a juice break.

However, if you're the type to go big or go home, lay your eyes on the Ultimate. For the small fee of $149,000 (no, it's not a typo - $149,000 for a spiced-up tricycle), you get a 449 horsepower powerhouse that reaches 60 mph in a mind-bending 1.8 seconds. With a range of 300 miles, it ensures your grand exit from parties isn't just a one-time affair.

Now, in the "believe it or not" section, this three-wheeled-wonder mines cryptocurrency while parked. If you don't understand what that means, imagine your car making money while you sleep, kind of like an automotive Santa Claus.

Of course, it hasn’t been all rainbows and unicorns. They promised this beauty to go on sale in 2023, but have pushed the debut to 2024. A classic "the future is now...ish" move. But can we blame them? Maybe they're ensuring every Spiritus is just perfect, or perhaps they're mining their first Bitcoin. Who knows?

Now for the goodies! The Spiritus Deluxe boasts some impressive features, like regenerative braking, a cryptocurrency wallet, and the most appealing to introverts like me – a nebula crypto mining system (because talking to people about the weather is passé). On the other hand, the Spiritus Ultimate adds a touch of luxury with carbon fiber bodywork, autonomous driving, and custom paint colors – presumably to match your mood.

Sounds too good to be true? Probably. But remember, I'm an optimistic pessimist. There are downsides, like its "just a smidge over budget" price of $149,000 for the Ultimate. And its distinct look might not be everyone's cup of tea. Look, I love new gadgets and gizmos as much as the next guy, but the 'experimental aesthetic' of the Spiritus might be a smidgen too futuristic for average Joe's driveway. And while 25,000 people have already placed pre-orders, amassing over a whopping $1 billion in commitments, I wonder how many of them are betting on the "investment" aspect of that crypto mining.If you're eco-conscious with a love for unique vehicles and a casual interest in cryptocurrency, the Spiritus three-wheeled chariot, seemingly conceived during a rendezvous between a compact car and a sleek motorcycle, might just be the chariot for your modern-day fairytale.