Electric Touring on Two Wheels? Evoke Might Just Have the Answer… Maybe

Electric Touring on Two Wheels? Evoke Might Just Have the Answer… Maybe - Evoke 6061-GT - captainelectro.com

Guess what? Electric touring is now a thing. At least, Evoke wants it to be, with their jaw-dropping 6061-GT electric motorcycle, boasting a monstrous 30-kWh battery. That's more than 370 miles (600 km) of city cruising fun on a single charge. Or, for those highway-bound wanderers, a slightly less astonishing but still impressive 205 miles (335 km). And did I mention the charger? It’s like Usain Bolt on steroids. Get her from 0-80% in a mere 30 minutes. I mean, come on! I've spent longer waiting for my coffee at some diners!

Now, if you're a car person – good for you. But motorcycles, especially electric ones, sit in this weird limbo for many. Sure, they're snazzy for city commuting. They're quiet, zippy, and cheap to run. But beyond that? The open road, weekend getaways, the allure of the mountains? That's where many electric bikes falter.

Electric Touring on Two Wheels? Evoke Might Just Have the Answer… Maybe - Evoke 6061-GT - captainelectro.com

Enter Evoke and their ambitious 6061-GT. Sure, this beast might let you wander for miles without the dreaded range anxiety, but it’s a hefty fellow. We're talking over 705 lbs (320 kg) here, which let's face it, is like asking your grandmother to sprint. Sure, she might surprise you, but she's no spring chicken. With 121 hp (90 kW) and 152 lb-ft (206 Nm) of torque driving its rear wheel, this bike does 0-60 mph (0-98 km/h) in 4.4 seconds. Not the quickest, but I've seen slower turtles.

However, let's not sweep Evoke’s ‘innovative’ design under the rug. Their patented Twin Plate Exo-frame, which looks like your five-year-old's doodle, is a visual... experience. But here’s the twist: the 2024 model has plastics draped all over, hiding most of its questionable aesthetics. But hey, you might be distracted by its wide rear tire anyways, which, by the way, rivals the mighty Triumph Rocket III.

And as much as I love a good motorcycle seat, Evoke seems to have forgotten a cardinal rule: a scooped-out seat and long journeys are a match made in discomfort heaven. Someone might need to slip them a memo on that.

But here's the million-dollar question (or, well, the $24,995 question, to be exact): Would I ride it? Hmm. Despite its quirks, the battery size and range are tempting. And for those who fancy long rides and the electric hum over a roaring engine, the 6061-GT might just tick the boxes.

Electric Touring on Two Wheels? Evoke Might Just Have the Answer… Maybe - Evoke 6061-GT - captainelectro.com

Still, it’s a mixed bag. Like receiving socks for Christmas. You're grateful, but there's a tinge of disappointment. Yet, I remain cautiously optimistic about Evoke's direction. And while the electric future is still finding its way in the biking world, I'll be here, watching, riding, and occasionally grumbling.

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.


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