Captain Electro

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When BMW Met Art: A Tale of Unconventional Fusion

Well, well, well, what do we have here? BMW, the German car-making behemoth, has decided to take a detour from the usual corporate highway and venture into the scenic route of fine arts. They've teamed up with the Städel Museum, one of Germany's oldest and most esteemed art institutions. This isn't your run-of-the-mill sponsorship deal, folks. This is like putting racing stripes on a Rembrandt!

The partnership was kicked off with the artistic flair of Marc Brandenburg, a man known for his unique style. His mission, should he choose to accept it (spoiler alert: he did), was to design a BMW iX1. Yes, you read that right. An artist designing a car. It's like asking a race car driver to paint the Sistine Chapel. But hey, who are we to judge?

Brandenburg, a Berliner who spent his salad days in the US before returning to his homeland, is no stranger to the unconventional. His work, primarily focused on drawing, has always been about challenging norms and exploring new perspectives. And what better canvas to do that on than a BMW iX1? It's like turning a hot rod into a mobile art exhibit.

The artistically enhanced BMW iX1 was unveiled in the Städel Garden, where Brandenburg, along with Svenja Grosser, Deputy Head of Contemporary Art at the Städel Museum, explained the artistic concepts behind the car's design. This isn't just a car anymore, folks. It's a moving piece of art, a testament to the transformative power of creativity. It's like Picasso's Guernica, but with horsepower.

This partnership between BMW and the museum isn't just about one car. Oh no - it's a series of events aptly named STÄDEL INVITES. The goal, despite sounding simple, is rather ambitious -  making contemporary art accessible to a broader audience. That’s like trying to explain astronomy to a five year old. Or me. These events include live artist interactions, talks, short tours, and music. They are designed to create a relaxed atmosphere where art can be appreciated and enjoyed. It's like a backstage pass to the world of contemporary art.

The STÄDEL INVITES series kicked off in October 2022 with an exhibition by German-British artist Michael Müller, followed by an exhibition by Philipp Fürhofer in May 2023. The series will continue with an exhibition by Miron Schmückle in December. Each event allows visitors to dive into the contemporary art collection and discover exciting connections with the artist's work. It's like a treasure hunt but with art instead of gold.

This partnership between BMW and the Städel Museum is a bold step towards a future where art and industry are not separate entities but complementary forces that can inspire and motivate us to go further and dare to take new paths. It's a testament to the power of creativity and the endless possibilities that arise when we dare to think outside the box.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro