The Electric Audi Look-Alike That's Worth $953k And Can't Even Fly

Red Electric Car ELegend EL1 - Captain Electro

Well, lads, here we are. While I've always enjoyed the serenity of sailing and the thrill of flying, nothing beats the excitement of a fresh, four-wheeled contraption roaring onto the automotive stage. Or in this case, silently rolling out due to its electric underpinnings.

Now, don't get me wrong. I've always had a soft spot for the old Audis, especially that 1980s Quattro Sport. Imagine my surprise when, out of the blue, there emerges this new kid on the block, the ELegend EL1. Sounds fancy, right? At least the name suggests a bit of nostalgia for a time when your car and music both had power chords.

Black ELegend EL1 Outside a Hangar - Captain Electro

It seems I blinked and missed its grand introduction in the summer of 2021. This bad boy looks like the reincarnation of the iconic Audi but surprise, surprise, it's not even related to Audi. It’s like seeing a doppelgänger of your favorite aunt but realizing she doesn't bake cookies quite as well.

I have to admit, I thought the EL1 was just another flash in the pan – you know, one of those startups that promises the moon and gives you cheese. But oh, how they’ve proved the skeptics (like yours truly) wrong! 

Only 30 of these electrified marvels will grace our roads, with each carrying a price tag of a whopping $953k! No, it won’t do your laundry or make you breakfast at that price.

Despite looking like it's on a diet at a trim 163.4 inches in length, the EL1 boasts a wheelbase reminiscent of a Porsche 911. And, bless its heart, it's done its bit to stay svelte, weighing in at 3,946 lbs sans driver. Admittedly, this gal's carbon unibody chassis does her many favors, ensuring a dance-like rigidity on the road. Some of the tweaks to her attire include new door handles, U.S.-compliant mirrors, and a rather posh NACA duct-shaped glass roof, in case you’re into that sort of thing.

Underneath that sexy exterior lies what one might call an automotive identity crisis. Initially touting a tri-motor setup, ELegend decided to go for the lesser dual-motor. But fear not, the horsepower hasn’t changed. This beauty can belt out 805 ponies, which will hurl you from zero to "Holy Moly" (or 62 mph) in a brisk 2.8 seconds. Top speed? A hair-ruffling 186 mph.

As for the battery, an 80 kWh pack gives you two sizzling laps around the Nurburgring without so much as a hiccup. Fancy a charge? With a rapid DC supply, it guzzles electricity faster than I do my morning coffee. 

What's next for ELegend after this? Well, while they’re playing coy about the EL1's pre-sales, they've dangled the carrot of two more equally pricey projects. Go big or go home, I suppose.

Now, while I admire this electric juggernaut and appreciate a good retro revamp as much as the next bloke, at $953k, I'd expect it to fly, or at the very least, make me a sandwich. Still, there's no denying the EL1's charm. Hats off to you, ELegend.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro


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