Pininfarina's Bruce Wayne Cars: More Bling Than Bruce
Pinifarina B95 Gotham
Hey, are you ready to laugh, or perhaps even cry a little when thinking about your measly bank account? Pininfarina is here to remind us mere mortals just how poor we are with a new collection of electric hypercars inspired by none other than Bruce Wayne – as in Batman!
Sure, the Batmobile is cool and all, but what does the billionaire playboy drive when he's not saving Gotham? The answer is, apparently, super exclusive versions of the already insane Battista and B95, complete with a price tag that would make the Joker choke on his maniacal laughter. Cue my very best "POWEEERRRR!!" but with a strong side of sarcasm.
Let's be honest, the whole idea of Bruce Wayne-themed hypercars is awesome. I mean, who hasn't wanted to cruise around in something Bruce would approve of? But it seems Pininfarina and DC haven't quite captured the billionaire vigilante's essence.
These special editions, dubbed 'Gotham' and 'Dark Knight', are more like a trip to the fancy car spa than a visit to the Batcave. Sure, they have fancy new wheels, a redesigned roof with a big glass panel for brooding under the stars, and even an Alfred-inspired voice assistant – classy! But where's the Wayne Tech? Where are the hidden gadgets, the smoke screens, the oil slick dispensers?
Don't get me wrong, the cars themselves are stunning. Those Italians know how to make a good-looking machine. The Battista is a spaceship on wheels, with a 1,900 horsepower powertrain that would shame most Formula 1 cars. The B95 Barchetta, with its open-top design, screams billionaire playboy – it's the perfect car for cruising down Rodeo Drive with a supermodel perched next to you.
But what really sets these Bruce Wayne editions apart from the 'standard' $2 million Pininfarina models is – drumroll please – a lot of black and silver paint. Seriously, that's the main 'Dark Knight' upgrade. The 'Gotham' version gets some tan leather thrown in, for that extra touch of Bruce Wayne sophistication.
Come on, Pininfarina, you're telling me the best the combined powers of Wayne Enterprises and DC Comics could come up with is some new upholstery? Talk about anticlimactic!

Now, let's address the Professor Pyg in the room: the price. The Battista in 'Dark Knight' or 'Gotham' trim will set you back a cool €3.4 million ($3.6 million), with the B95 costing a jaw-dropping €4.9 million ($5.2 million).
I'm all for exclusivity and bespoke design, but that's some serious coin for what amounts to a glorified paint job and a new voice assistant. Sure, the engineering is impressive, but it doesn't give you bat-wings or grappling hooks, now does it?
Pinifarina Battista Dark Knight
Let's be honest here, Pininfarina's Bruce Wayne collection is a bit like a designer watch that tells time just like a $10 Timex – it does the job, but it's all about the bling. These cars are more about showing off than they are about being Batman.
If you've got the kind of money Bruce Wayne throws around and absolutely must have the automotive equivalent of the Bat Signal, then by all means, go ahead. The rest of us will just admire them from afar, maybe snap a few pics, and dream of the day we win the lottery or invent the next world-changing super-gadget.