Captain Electro

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Is that an Electric Egg or a Real Car? The Microlino is Coming

So here's the thing folks: an electric bubble car, inspired by something from the 1950s, is finally coming to the UK. Yeah, no kiddin’. Switzerland's Microlino...thingy... looks like some mad scientist shrunk a VW Beetle, mixed it with an egg, and bolted on a washing machine door. Sorry, I call it like I see it.

Apparently, the Swiss have decided that the UK market desperately needs a micro-sized, egg-shaped electric contraption called the Microlino. Yes, this Isetta-inspired bubble car with a single, oversized front door is about to become a thing on British roads.

Hold on, I swear I'm not making this up. If the original Isetta bubble car was a whimsical little curiosity, this Microlino thing takes quirkiness to a whole new level. Think of it as a two-person mobility scooter with a roof and an inflated sense of self-importance.

But hey, maybe I'm just too old-school to wrap my head around the fact that people willingly want to drive what looks like a glorified mobility scooter. Don't get me wrong, those Isetta cars of yore had charm...sort of. This? Well, it has a single, awkwardly placed front door. Because who doesn't love squeezing yourself out of a metal egg in front of rush-hour traffic, am I right? On the (slightly) positive side, the Microlino promises to fit neatly into even the tightest parking spots. So, if you enjoy parallel parking with a shoehorn, this might be your personal automotive nirvana.

Now, let's not get completely negative here. The Microlino people claim this is the perfect "second car for commuting and errands." And I suppose if your "errands" consist of grocery shopping for a family of hamsters, it might just work. They also proudly proclaim it "outperforms" the Citroen Ami, which is sort of like boasting your pet rock is more intelligent than a houseplant. Now, Microlino promises practicality. Apparently, it's got the oomph to hit a whopping 56 mph (90 kph). That's cute. And get this: it's classed as a "heavy quadricycle" – basically, a slightly faster golf cart with a license plate. 

What really gets me is the price. While it's still under wraps for the UK, this thing starts at a rather eye-watering €17,990 (£15,400) in Europe. That'll get you the basic model with the smallest battery. Want more range? Prepare to shell out up to €21,990 (£18,800)! So, you'll pay a hefty premium to drive something slower, smaller, and arguably less practical than even the most budget-friendly electric cars. That's some next-level mental gymnastics right there.

Let's talk specs:

  • Size: I swear you could park this thing sideways in a regular parking spot. Or maybe use it as your kid's playhouse.

  • Power: 17 horsepower. My electric toothbrush probably has a more intimidating rumble.

  • Battery: They offer three choices, with ranges of 58 miles (93 km), 110 miles (177 km), or a positively epic 142 miles (229 km)! Let's just say I wouldn't venture too far off my driveway in this thing.

  • 0-60 mph: Uh…they're not exactly bragging about that. Probably because it might take an entire day to get this egg rolling at highway speeds.

Microlino is optimistic about the UK market, hoping to sell several thousand of these...vehicles... over the next few years. They're aiming for about 300 by the end of 2024. Let's be real, that's mostly novelty buys and people with way too much expendable income.

Don't get me wrong, the idea of small electric commuters has merit. But is this the solution? It's quirky, that's for sure. Practical? Well, if you consider "fitting into tight parking spaces" the height of practicality, then absolutely. Will I be trading in my classic muscle car for one? Well…

The longer I look at it, the less angry I get, and there’s this fuzzy warm feeling taking over my body. Microlino is like that ugly stray cat that you never pay attention to - until one day you do. And then you realize it’s not ugly at all, it’s actually kinda cute in its own, very specific way. Microlino may not be a solution to our future, but how many cars out there can you actually hug? This one is begging for it! 

If you're into space-age egg cars that cause double-takes and confused giggles, the Microlino might be your next eccentric purchase. Just don't expect to win any traffic light drag races. Do I like it? I’m getting there. Will it make me smile every time I see one? Absolutely. If you're looking for a sensible, practical electric car, this ain't it. But if you want something truly unique that turns heads, while screaming "I march to the beat of my own drum", then by all means, place your pre-order for the Microlino. Just be prepared to open your wallet wide and become a traffic curiosity.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro