Human Horizons HiPhi Z: A Futuristic Saga of Luxury, LEDs, and Little Bit of Overkill

White with Purple Accents Electric Car Human Horizons HiPhi Z - Captain Electro

On the automotive highways, we've got a new kid on the block: the sprightly Chinese underdog, Human Horizons. But don't let the term "underdog" mislead you. With their luxurious electric brand, HiPhi, they've carved out a hefty 25% slice of their domestic EV luxury market. The secret sauce? An intriguing mix of head-turning designs, a tech overload, and undeniable proof that Chinese luxury is not an oxymoron.

Born in 2017, HiPhi came sprinting out of the starting blocks with an ambitious pace that could make a cheetah feel insecure. In just six years, they're on the verge of releasing their third model, a lightning-fast track record only possible in the industrious workshops of The People's Republic.

Now, if you thought HiPhi was content with being a local champion, you'd be wrong. The Chinese brand is hell-bent on becoming a global player. Their strategy? Unleashing two of their electrifying models on the European market come September 2023. The nations of Norway and Germany, brace yourselves!

Among their European debutantes, one really stands out - the Human Horizons HiPhi Z (and they insist on calling it 'zee,' not 'zed'). To describe it briefly, it's an all-electric, 663-bhp, four-door shooting brake GT with a likely 350-mile range, and an aesthetic that might leave you as confused as a chameleon on a bag of Skittles. A unique blend of Japanese manga aggression, a nod to BMW's i-brand, and an ode to all things digital, it's anything but a wallflower.

White with Purple Accents Electric Car Human Horizons HiPhi Z - Captain Electro

The HiPhi Z seems like it's been generously dipped in LED lights and draped with bulky sensors, like a full-size version of a bargain-bin transformer toy. If you're a fan of subtlety, the HiPhi Z might have you running for the hills. But if audacious designs float your boat, this EV is an attention magnet.

Inside, the futuristic saga continues. You're greeted by a 15-inch touchscreen infotainment system, the HiPhi Bot, mounted on a robotized arm. This little bot seems to have borrowed a page from a high school crush, constantly swiveling towards you when it feels your gaze. Cute, but a bit gimmicky. You almost want to tell it, "Calm down, Bot, it's not that serious!" 

But let's give credit where it's due. The Bot, like the rest of the car, is robustly responsive and clear. Overall, the cabin is a delightful blend of luxurious ambiance and impressive material quality. An interesting note: it surpasses the standards set by Tesla at a similar stage in its development. 

When it comes to performance, the HiPhi Z is a tale of compromise. Fast and rangey with a commendable level of refinement, the car does radiate an aura of plush sophistication. However, while it maneuvers well and handles speed comfortably, it doesn't exactly scream dynamism. And while no one expects it to outshine the best handling GTs on the market, you can't help but feel it's missing a spark.

Electric Car Human Horizons HiPhi Z Charging - Captain Electro

The question is, does the HiPhi Z have the mojo to stand out without its digital tech and statement styling? Or is it destined to be another luxury EV with a bland character and little to differentiate it from the rest? That, my friends, largely depends on your perspective.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro


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