Captain Electro

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Carice TC2: A Two-Seater Convertible That Won't Break the Bank (But Might Dent Your Skepticism)

Ah, the Netherlands, a land of tulips, windmills, and apparently, more electric vehicles than you can shake a cheese wheel at. In the ever-growing world of electric cars, where every startup promises the moon but delivers something closer to a lunar eclipse, I present to you the Carice TC2. And no, it's not a secret code; it's a two-seater convertible that claims to be more Dutch than a bicycle ride through Amsterdam. 

Another electric car? Really? Bear with me, dear reader, because this one comes with a touch of Dutch charm and a promise not to cost you your firstborn. 

The Carice TC2 is a creation from the folks at Carice, a company that, according to my impeccable sources (a guy named Hans in a wooden clog shop), started out in 2011 making electric cars for the elite. Fast forward to the present, and they've decided to grace the masses with this two-seater wonder.

Picture this: a golden summer day, wind in your hair, and the TC2's roof stowed away behind the roll bar. It's like driving a piece of art, they say. Niels van Dril and Richard Holleman, the masterminds behind this Dutch delight, want you to feel the ride "in every fibre of your body." I'm not sure about you, but I usually just feel the potholes.

The TC2 weighs as much as a large bag of potatoes (630 kg, for those who insist on specifics) and boasts a range of over 300 km. That's more distance than I will ever walk, and I've got two legs! As for the price, it's a mere €44,500 (or $48,500, because apparently, the Dutch like to keep us on our toes with their currency acrobatics).

But hold on to your stroopwafels; there's a catch. To secure your very own TC2, Carice demands a 75% down payment. Yes, not 7% and not 5% - a 75% deposit. They want your commitment, your dedication, your undying love for Dutch craftsmanship. It's like a marriage proposal, but with a car. 

About the design. The TC2 skips the fancy screens and gizmos in favor of toggle switches and lights. Very Caterham-esque, they claim. I'm not entirely sure that’s what Caterham-esque means, but I’ll give it to them - it sounds fancy. Oh, and forget about searching for the charging flap; it's hiding in the boot, because why not make life more interesting? 

Carice, in their quest to make you feel like royalty, offers personalization options galore. Choose the color of the body, the soft top, the wheels, the upholstery – heck, you can probably even customize the air freshener scent. It's like a Build-A-Bear, but for cars.

The tiny Carice TC2 might just be the electric vehicle you never knew you needed. It's cute, it's Dutch, and it won't cost you an arm and a wooden shoe. So, if you're ready to embrace the electric revolution with a touch of flair and a dash of skepticism, the TC2 might just be your ticket to a joyride through tulip-filled fields.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro