A Mighty Miniature Powerhouse: The 872-HP Motor That Weighs Less Than Your Labrador!

Today my good friends, we are going to geek out a little. The EV technology may be good for the planet, it may be saving bees and dolphins but the part that is honestly most interesting to me is the power - lots of power. The electric motors for their simplicity and comically tiny dimensions, churn out ridiculous amounts of power. If we had an electric motor the size of a supercharged V8, it would probably be powerful enough to stop our planet spinning.

If you've ever wanted to hold 872 horsepower in your hands, Helix, a UK-based electric motor manufacturer, is here to grant your wishes. They've created a little monster motor that weighs only 62 pounds, making it lighter than your favorite fluffy Labrador, yet muscular enough to put even the burliest traditional internal combustion engines to shame.

The motor, coded SPX177, is slated for an enigmatic hypercar currently known by its covert name - REB. Helix's X-Division, the wizardly group behind this David-sized Goliath slayer, has given birth to their most potent pure electric vehicle motor to date.

One might picture this motor to be a massive, hulking behemoth, but it's quite the opposite. It's so compact you could almost mistake it for a vacuum cleaner's motor. But don't let the size fool you. When you plug it into a hypercar, it'll set the asphalt ablaze with its prowess. In terms of power-to-weight ratio, it would make even a McLaren Artura blush.

Derek Jordanou-Bailey, the Chief Engineer behind this pint-sized Hercules, is no stranger to the world of high-performance machines. With a glittering resume featuring a stint at Mercedes-AMG HPP, he knows a thing or two about raw power. According to him, the SPX177 isn't just a motor - it's essentially an F1 or Formula E unit reincarnated as an electric vehicle component. Its power density could give you a nosebleed.

One would assume that such a powerful motor would require an inverter the size of a refrigerator. But guess what? The inverter is merely 28 pounds. That's right - it's lighter than your carry-on luggage! This marvel of a motor, accompanied by its featherweight inverter, doesn't just spit fire but also shares its electric current across two inverters. Such an arrangement keeps the power flowing in "normal" DC voltages even at this bonkers power level.

When put to the test, this petite powerhouse outdid itself, pumping out a staggering 939 horsepower. They could've pushed it to unleash even more, but then, what's the point of turning a hypercar into a spaceship?

The only downside to this miraculous motor is its accompanying battery, which, in contrast, weighs quite a bit more than a traditional fuel tank. However, the flexibility in the layout and the chance to lower the car's center of gravity makes it a fair trade-off.

When it comes to hypercars, we've grown accustomed to expecting flamboyance, grandeur, and a whole lot of weight. But the SPX177 is rewriting the rulebook. This pocket-sized powerhouse is all set to revamp our understanding of speed and power, and I can't wait to see where it's going to be installed. As for who the lucky customer is? The suspense continues, but rest assured, we'll let you know soon.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro.


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