The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade

The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade - eFantom -

Ahoy there! It's me, your friendly, slightly sarcastic vehicle enthusiast, who's traded in four wheels for... um, none. Water transport has always felt like a bit of an older sibling to the car. More mature, refined – you get the idea. But now, the waters are stirring (literally) with Porsche and Frauscher's nautical noodlings. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the eFantom. Porsche's way of saying, "Why should cars have all the electric fun?" Based on drive technology from the much-delayed but apparently still upcoming Porsche Macan electric SUV (which, by the way, I adore), this electric boat recently took its victory lap on Lake Garda in Italy. Ah, Lake Garda! Picture me, with my wind-swept hair, onboard, trying not to spill my latte. 

The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade - eFantom and Porsche -

It's not just a boat. It's a 28.4-foot (8.67 meters for you metric lovers) all-electric day cruiser. Designed by the genius minds at the FA Porsche studio, it boasts a helm that would make any car aficionado's heart race: faux leather sports steering wheel, analog instruments that scream "Look at me! I'm important!" and two front seats which give the air of "I could've been in a sports car, but I'm on a boat."

And if that isn’t enough to float your boat (pun definitely intended), consider the 12-inch touch display, a high-end audio system with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (because what's sailing without a Spotify playlist?), and underwater LEDs. Who doesn't want to light up the abyss?

The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade - eFantom -

Performance? Oh, it's got it. With components adapted from the Premium Platform Electric architecture, it's got a zippy electric motor limited to 400 kW. Translation? This baby can speed up to a whopping 52.8 mph (85 km/h or 45.8 knots for those who speak 'boat'). Four performance modes are available, including one that's perfect for those slow cruises along the harbor where you want everyone to see you but not splash them.

Battery-wise, it borrows the same 100-kWh capacity from the electric Macan. Expect a range of 28 miles (45 km), or roughly 2-3 hours of zooming around. And if you're thinking, "But what if I run out of juice in the middle of the lake?" – never fear! The 800-volt tech allows for a quick recharge of up to 80% in under 30 minutes - as long as you stay cable length away from the shore... 

The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade - eFantom's Battery -

As for the price tag, brace yourself: $595,000 (€561,700 for our Euro buddies). Perhaps a smidge out of my journalist's salary range, but hey, a guy can dream.

In all seriousness, while I have my reservations about the ongoing electric frenzy, this e-boat is making waves (last water pun, I promise). It's set to debut in January 2024 in Düsseldorf, with deliveries soon after.

So, if you have been waiting for what feels like forever for the Porsche Macan there’s a trick - you can have all of its tech as long as you don’t mind it can only be used on water. Yup, you want the electric Macan - go and get a boat. Clearly Porsche gave up on waiting for the VW mothership to sort out its mess and decided that getting the Macan out of the gate is far more important. Even if it technically is a boat.

The eFantom: When Porsche Decided Boats Needed an Upgrade - Helm of eFantom -

We are living in strange times my friends. The EV revolution seems to be hitting roadblocks head on and it’s painful, although there’s more to it - all you need to do is scratch the surface. I won’t go there, many years ago I promised to never touch politics with a stick and I’m keeping my promise.

Here's great consumer advice - if you want to buy an electric Porsche Macan now, go get the eFantom. It floats, it has bags of style, it’s quick and classy. There you go - until the next time!

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.

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