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Speed Demons in Silence: How Vision Marine Technologies Turned Electric Boats into Speed Rockets

Have you ever stood next to a rip-roaring, V8-powered speedboat and thought, "This thing is loud enough to wake up Neptune himself?" Well, ditch that old-school fuel-guzzler because Vision Marine Technologies and Shaun Torrente - yes, the three-time world boat racing champion - are teaching the maritime world that when it comes to speed, silence can be golden.

So, let’s rewind to August 21, shall we? Vision Marine Technologies announced a dream team collaboration featuring Shaun Torrente and Alex Mongeon, the CEO of Vision Marine, for a mission crazier than a hamster in a wheelie bin. Their goal? Breaking speed records on water in electric boats, something they'd already been teasing since they shattered the 109-mph barrier last year.

Now, it’s not just about breaking records, it's about shattering the idea that electric boats are just oversized bath toys. This was no ordinary event; it took place during the 35th edition of the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout - an annual boat race that would make Poseidon himself sit up and take notice.

Remember the name "Lake of the Ozarks," because this is where magic happened. In an atmosphere so thick with anticipation you could cut it with a propeller, Vision Marine unleashed their electric leviathan. Not once, but twice, the speedometer needles twanged, and jaws dropped. 

The first run? A blistering 111 mph. But no, they weren't satisfied with that minor miracle. They came back like a boomerang in a tornado and set an eye-watering record of 116 mph on their second attempt. At this point, everyone understood that these chaps weren’t messing around.

So what's the secret sauce? Besides Shaun Torrente’s unearthly boat-racing skills, Vision Marine's electric powertrain, known as E-Motion™, is the wizard behind the curtain. Engineered by Xavier Montagne, this system takes electrical architecture, gives it an adrenaline shot, and tells it to run like it stole something. Think of it as the Nikola Tesla of boat motors - innovative, forward-thinking, and minus the mustache.

Now, you may wonder, "Why bother with electric boats?" Environmental brownie points aside, Vision Marine is dead set on proving that electric propulsion isn’t just a quirky sideshow; it’s the main event. They're stamping their eco-conscious foot down hard on the accelerator, showing that electric isn’t just the future; it's the breakneck, seat-of-your-pants, hold-onto-your-hat present.

By the end of the event, even ESPN, who probably thought an electric boat was about as exciting as watching paint dry, had to eat their preconceptions. The crowd got a hands-on look at E-Motion™ production-ready boats, because Vision Marine isn't about keeping this sorcery to themselves.

Vision Marine Technologies and Shaun Torrente did more than just break a speed record; they broke stereotypes. So next time you think electric boats are as exciting as an afternoon of knitting, remember: Vision Marine has an electric beast that would eat your grandma's knitting needles for breakfast.