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From Sea to Shore: Silent Yachts, Makers of Electric Catamarans, Launch Tropical Holiday Resorts

When you're moseying about in a Silent Yacht, it's rather like being Bob Marley's ghost, wafting about on the ocean breeze. No noise. No pollution. And no nagging worry that the earth's reserves of dinosaur juice are running out. It's all rather splendid.

Silent Resorts, the sidekick of these aquatic, solar-powered chariots, has had a rather spiffing idea. They've been playing around with their building blocks and have decided to create an entirely solar-powered resort. Their game board? The sunny haven of Fiji. It seems like the perfect cocktail of sun, sea, and sustainability.

Now, you might be thinking, 'Silent Resorts, eh? Never heard of 'em.' Well, you're not alone. They're the new kids on the block, having spun off from their parent company, Silent Yachts. Despite their youthful façade, there's a lot of mileage under their belts - 75,000 nautical miles to be precise. That's a lot of silent sailing.

Their first resort will be a Bahamian venture, it will feature 16 solar-powered residences, each as roomy as a stately home, and paired with 8 Silent Yachts. And that's not all, they're branching out, taking a leaf out of Bob the Builder's book, and already hard at work on a second resort in Fiji.

They've got the first ‘Silent Marina’ already up and running in the Bahamas, complete with its first solar-electric catamaran SILENT 55, ready to take guests on a quiet jaunt across the seas. They're planning on throwing a SILENT 62 Tri-Deck yacht into the mix next year, because why the hell not?

Then there's the Fijian paradise. They've got big plans for this one, including a private island sanctuary and enough bedrooms to make a Buckingham Palace footman sweat. With 28 ( 4, 5, or 6 bedroom) Silent Estate Residences, 14 ( 2 bedroom) Silent Marina Residences, and 10 ( 2 bedroom) Silent Beach Club Residences, this is set to be the solar-powered haven of your dreams. And the cherry on top? They've got a whole fleet of solar-powered vessels ready to help you explore Fiji's splendid surroundings.

Buy a slice of this solar utopia, and you'll even be able to apply for Fijian residency. You could stay in Fiji forever, bathing in the sun and the silent hum of your solar yacht. Silent Resorts' head honcho, Victor Barrett, has given it the rather grand name of 'radical sustainability.' I'd call it 'pretty damn clever.'

Construction in Fiji starts later this year, once they've sorted out where exactly they're going to plonk it all. I can hardly wait. Sunshine, silence, and sustainability – it's like the world's best-loved hippy got a budget and went mad on Rightmove. I'm packing my bags for 2024.