Foiling Folly: Candela's Electric Hydrofoiling Ferry Takes Water Commuting to New Heights

Well, brace yourselves, because it's time for another thrilling adventure in the world of electric transportation. Today, we're taking to the waves, or rather, above them, with Candela's latest creation – the P-12 passenger ferry. Get ready to set sail (or should I say, take off?) on a journey into the future of water transport, where the water becomes your highway and hydrofoils become your wings. It's time to soar right into this electrifying spectacle.

Candela, the Swedish foiling e-boat maker, has officially announced the maiden flight of its P-12 passenger ferry, and let me tell you, this thing is not your grandma's paddleboat. Equipped with dual electric drives and a tri-wing setup, this ferry isn't just skimming the surface; it's flying above it at a jaw-dropping top speed of 30 knots (that's approximately 34 mph for those still clinging to land-based units).

Company founder Gustav Hasselskog, in his best attempt to sound profound, declared, "Today, in many cities, roads are congested while the waterways – mankind's oldest infrastructure – is unused for fast commuting. The P-12 offers a path to use these waterways as green highways, offering fast intra-city connections. The quickest way is often over water." Well, Gustav, you had us at "flying ferry."

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty of this hydrofoiling marvel. The P-12 has been designed for single-person operation, and it's powered by not one, but two C-Pod electric drive units. And when it comes to going from zero to hero, this ferry doesn't mess around. The Zero model P-12 pre-production prototype managed to hit its maximum speed of 30 knots in just 16 seconds after reaching its take-off speed of 16 knots. Talk about a rapid ascent to stardom!

Now, the P-12 isn't just some boat with a fancy name and wings. It rises above the water on three carbon-fiber wings, and it's got an electronic control system that uses sensor data to adjust foil angles, ensuring a smooth and steady flight. The spec sheet also boasts a 252-kWh battery bank (that's a whole lot of "kilo-watt-hours" for those of you scratching your heads) that gives it a per-charge range of 40 nautical miles at a service speed of 25 knots (that's about 29 mph, just in case you were wondering).

And for those of you who care about dimensions, the P-12 measures in at 11.99 meters in length (or 39.3 feet for our American friends) with a beam of 4.5 meters (14.7 feet). The Shuttle version of this electric wonder can comfortably accommodate 30 seated passengers. Need to bring your bicycle, stroller, or even a couple of wheelchairs on board? No problem! The P-12 has room for all that and more.

Now, the big news here is that serial production is already underway, with the second vessel set to become part of Stockholm's public transport system by 2024. And get this, it's going to cut commuting time from the city center to Ekerö island from a mind-numbing 55 minutes to just 25 minutes. That's right, folks, you'll be spending less time stuck in traffic and more time soaring above the water like a seagull on a sugar high.

But I know what you're thinking. How much is this electrified aquatic joyride going to cost? Well, the Shuttle version of the P-12 comes with a price tag of €1.7 million (or approximately US$1.85 million for our friends across the pond). But before you start gasping, remember this – the operational costs are expected to be much lower than those of a similar-sized diesel ferry. So, it's not just an eco-friendly choice; it's a wallet-friendly one too.

Now, if you're feeling a bit more lavish and don't mind splurging on your aquatic adventures, Candela also offers a Business version of the P-12. Unfortunately, we don't have a cost estimate for this one, but it's designed to transport between 12 and 20 passengers in a premium interior. And if you're thinking of using the P-12 for private leisure or commercial operations, the Voyager has got you covered. Candela has every flavor of hydrofoiling ferries on offer.

There’s no two ways about it - the future of water transport has arrived, and it's called the Candela P-12. It's fast, it's eco-friendly, and it's here to make your daily commute an exhilarating adventure. So, whether you're a water enthusiast, a green tech fanatic, or just someone tired of gridlock traffic, the P-12 is here to take you above and beyond (literally).

Anna McDee

Anna McDee, mother of two (bless their socks!), is a degreed engineer with a toolbox full of stories. After years of toiling behind the scenes, conjuring up technical marvels, she finally emerged, blinking into the sunlight. She discovered that electric propulsion can be fun, and decided to share her tales with the world. From dissecting the inner workings of a family minivan to pondering the aerodynamics of a soccer ball, Anna's curiosity is as boundless as a toddler's energy. Her writing is a delightful blend of technical insight, mom-isms, and the occasional "Eureka!" moment, usually accompanied by a celebratory cup of tea.


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