Captain Electro

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Brace Yourself: Your Jet Ski Just Got an Electric Shock

Holy electric sea scooters, Batman! Have I got news for you: jet skis are no longer the scourge of the lake, thanks to a Finnish startup that's building one that even the Caped Crusader could endorse. Yes, the days of guzzling gas and terrorizing local waterfowl are fading fast. Behold the silent stingray of the future.

Look, I appreciate a silent cruise on the water as much as the next nature-loving enthusiast. But let's be honest, anyone shelling out enough cash for one of these Finnish electric jet skis probably isn't too worried about carbon footprints in the first place. Let's call a spade a spade: this thing is a toy for people with too much money. It's the Tesla Roadster of the sea. Or - is it?

The thing is, we're all supposed to be going green and ditching those gas-guzzling two-strokes that sound like a swarm of angry chainsaws. And hey, the Viva does look the part. The angular, stealthy design is definitely more Batman than Baywatch, which might be a good thing depending on your vibe.

Say hello to the Viva Electric Jet Ski, a machine that looks more like a stealth boat than your usual Yamaha WaveRunner. They say it'll hit 60 mph (96.5 km/h), which is pretty darn fast for buzzing around a lake. Sure, it won't run all day – this thing's got about 31 miles (50 km) of range – but the real kicker is the recharge time. Hook this sucker up to a fast charger, and you'll be back out annoying the neighbors in an hour.

Alright, let's talk numbers. This bad boy packs a 174-horsepower (130 kW) electric wallop, which promises to stick you to the seat harder than a sunburned tourist on a vinyl boat cushion. If I were a betting man, I'd wager the acceleration is more neck-snapping than your typical gas-powered jet ski. Who needs the roar of an engine when your own maniacal laughter will do?

The real question though – aside from how I can snag one of these – is the price. Here's where my eyebrows do that skeptical little dance. This futuristic sea stallion starts at a cool €39,500 (around $42,750 in American greenbacks). Yowza! You could buy a decent used sports car for what they're asking. But let's face it, you couldn't exactly take that car for a joyride on a lake, now could you? Of course, you get a whole lot of tech for the price, like carbon fiber construction and enough storage space for a proper picnic.

Of course, there's the catch: the Viva ain't exactly a featherweight, and that’s despite its fairly advanced lightweight construction. At 970 lbs (440kg) in the top-tier model, you might want to skip arm day at the gym. No doubt that carbon fiber hull costs about as much as a kidney, but at least you'll have a place to store your fancy snacks thanks to the 500-liter waterproof compartment. Gotta keep those energy bars handy in case your battery decides to die mid-lake.

Look, there are cheaper electric jet skis out there. Some are even faster, apparently. Yes, while the folks at Viva deserve some serious props for innovation, their pricey creation might not be the top pick for every thrill-seeking budget. But none of those are going to give you that "I'm saving the planet while simultaneously maxing out my credit card" feeling that the Viva does. And isn't that what really matters? 

Still, it's darn exciting to watch the green revolution splash into watersports. I have to admit, even a hardened skeptic like me is starting to feel a little tingle of anticipation. Just imagine – peaceful lakes and rivers, buzzing with these silent, electric speed demons. Honestly, that's not so bad. Maybe these electric jet skis won't drive all the fish away after all.

So there you have it, folks. The electric jet ski has officially arrived, and it's faster, cleaner, and a whole lot more expensive than anything that came before it. The future is starting to look kinda fun!