Electra EL9 - The Plane That Takes Off Slower Than My Morning Coffee

Electra EL9

Image Credit: Electra.

I've just seen the future, and it's surprisingly… slow. Yes, s l o w. But not quite Sunday drive slow. I just watched a plane take off and land on a postage stamp. Figuratively, of course. I'm talking runways shorter than my patience in a traffic jam. Electra has cooked up this clever hybrid-electric STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) aircraft, and it's generating pre-orders like hotcakes at a lumberjack convention. $9 billion and still counting! That's probably enough to buy a small country…

Just to be clear -  this isn't some fancy, whizz-bang eVTOL that promises to whisk you from rooftop to rooftop. No, this is a proper airplane, with wings and everything. With the added benefit of taking off at a leisurely 35 mph. That's slower than my average trip to the grocery store. I mean, I've seen turtles move faster. Honestly - I have.

The EL9 can carry a pilot and 3,000 pounds of cargo, or nine passengers with their overstuffed luggage. It cruises at a respectable 200 mph, which is plenty fast enough. But the real magic is in those eight electric props on its wings and those massive flaps. They create a "blown lift" thing, which is a fancy aerodynamic wizardry that lets it lift off in a ridiculously short distance. We're talking runways as small as 300 by 100 feet. That's tiny!

Electra has been testing a two-seater prototype, the EL2, and it's been flying since May. It apparently is so good they haven't even found the stall speed yet! It just keeps flying, even when it's practically standing still. And it's quiet. So quiet, you can have a normal conversation while it's flying overhead. No more ear-splitting jet engines; this thing whispers like a librarian with a secret.

The company is already working on a nine-seater demonstrator, which they plan to fly in 2026. And the target for certification and commercial service? 2028. Which, in aviation terms, is practically tomorrow. But the market is buzzing -  over 2,200 pre-orders!

And why would so many people order one? Well, it's simple. This thing is practical. It's quiet, it's efficient, and it can land in places where regular planes can't. It's almost like a helicopter, but without the roar and the constant fear of the rotors falling off. And it's cheaper to run, too. Electra's CEO, Marc Allen, says it is "100 times less noise, 70% lower cost, improved safety, and dramatically reduced emissions."

At a time when everyone else is dreaming of flying cars and rooftop landings, Electra is quietly building a plane that's simply practical. Sure, it's not as flashy, but it gets the job done.

It's impressive that in our speed-obsessed world, Electra somehow managed to find a way to make slow and steady utterly compelling. It's a bit like watching a tortoise beat a hare in a marathon, if the tortoise was made of carbon fiber and electric motors. I honestly can't wait to see it fly.


Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.


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