Bristell B23 Energic: A Powerful Electric Aircraft Takes Flight!

Bristell B23 Energic: A Powerful Electric Aircraft Takes Flight! - Bristell B23 Energic -

Back in 2020, when the world was still sane, a plucky British company by the name of Equipmake thrust forth their "world's most power-dense" permanent magnet electric motor into the spotlight. They claimed it could power everything from tractors to Ferraris and even dared to dream of aviation. Well, guess what? Dreams do come true, folks!

Let me introduce you to the new kid on the electric block - the Bristell B23 Energic, a two-seater training aircraft set to revolutionize the skies. And guess who's powering this flying marvel? None other than the brains behind the "world's most power-dense" motor themselves.

So, picture this: a 100 kW electric motor that weighs less than a suitcase full of duty-free candy (31 pounds for you Americans), and it's ready to soar through the air. You might be thinking, "Wait, is this a joke? Are they attaching a blender motor to an airplane?" Well, it's no joke, folks. Equipmake's motor is the real deal, and it's about to propel the Bristell B23 Energic into the history books.

This magnificent electric motor, along with its trusty sidekicks – the energy storage system, electric propulsion unit, power management gurus, and all their tech-savvy friends – forms the Electric Propulsion System (EPS). This EPS is what gives the Bristell B23 Energic its wings (figuratively speaking).

Bristell B23 Energic: A Powerful Electric Aircraft Takes Flight! - Bristell B23 Energic -

The airplane's specs? Well, they're a bit of a mystery for now, but fear not, aviation enthusiasts, because this beauty will take its maiden flight soon enough. What we do know is that it's a two-seater, perfect for a pilot and instructor duo. And let's be honest, that's exactly what you want for a CS-23 Level 1 aircraft – something that can carry a couple of passengers without breaking a sweat.

Now, the fun part – speed! Brace yourselves, because the Bristell B23 Energic is no slowpoke. With the EPS strapped in, it's expected to hit speeds of up to 124 mph (or for our metric friends, 200 kph). That's faster than your average family sedan, and it's all powered by electricity. The future of aviation is zipping past us, my friends!

Bristell B23 Energic: A Powerful Electric Aircraft Takes Flight! - Bristell B23 Energic -

But what about the juice? No, not the kind you drink, the kind you need to keep this electric bird soaring. Unfortunately, we don't have the deets on the exact battery pack just yet. But here's the good news – it should give you enough power for a decent flight after just one hour of charging. And here's the kicker – it costs a mere seven bucks to recharge. Seven bucks, people! That's less than a latte at your local hipster coffee joint.

Here's where this story gets even more interesting. It turns out the EPS system isn't just for small planes. Nope, these guys got big plans. Equipmake is already eyeing a 200 kW variant of their motor for CS-25 planes – those are the heavyweights of the aviation world, usually powered by turbines. So, not only will this electric tech take flight soon, but it's also setting its sights on the big leagues.

Bristell B23 Energic: A Powerful Electric Aircraft Takes Flight! - Bristell B23 Energic -

What's the timeline, you ask? Well, after the Bristell B23 Energic struts its stuff in the sky later this year, production is slated to kick off in 2025. So, if you're looking to enroll in a flight school, you might just find yourself behind the controls of this electrifying aircraft.

As for the cost? Well, that's another mystery you can add to the collection - at least for now. But hey, they say the sky's the limit, right? Bristell B23 Energic and its Equipmake-powered EPS system are ready to take aviation by storm. It's fast, it's electric, and it's set to change the way we think about flying. So, keep your eyes on the skies, because this electric revolution is about to take off!

Max McDee

Max is a gearhead through and through. With a wrench in one hand and a pen in the other, Max has spent the past thirty years building and racing some of the most impressive vehicles you'll ever lay your eyes on. Be it cars, motorcycles, or boats, Max has a way of taking raw mechanical power and turning it into a work of art. He's not just a talented engineer, either - he's a true industry insider, with a wealth of knowledge and a love for a good story.

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