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Motoroid 2: Yamaha's Electric Motorcycle Marvel or... Malarkey?

Ah, Yamaha! After decades of gas-guzzling motorcycles, I still find myself intrigued by your forays into electric tech. And now, you present to us, the Motoroid 2. So, what’s the story behind this peculiar creature of a bike?

To begin with, if you ever wondered what happens when engineers get into the tequila and watch sci-fi movies, behold! It's not your average motorcycle - this one tilts, twists, and (apparently) wants to be your lifelong companion. Is it a motorcycle or a needy pet?

Weighing in with a... well, Yamaha hasn't really provided the weight, but I assume it’s hefty due to the colossal battery under its spine. It powers a hub-driven rear wheel. That hub is uniquely attached to a swingarm that swivels like it's doing the cha-cha under the bike's seat. Why? Because future.

However, it’s not just the hub that swings. The battery (which, might I add, looks a bit like a futuristic fanny pack) can swivel too. It's all part of Yamaha's latest dance craze, the Active Mass Center Control System (AMCES). Catchy, right?

The front wheel? It remains mercifully normal, although it seems to have borrowed its aesthetics from the Eiffel Tower. Look upwards, and you'll find handlebars that are as connected to the wheel as I am to manual transmissions - not at all. Instead, we're looking at a combo of electronic steering and the aforementioned AMCES. Motoroid 2, it seems, has more balance than I do after a couple of margaritas.

A slight side note: If you’re expecting the Motoroid 2 to give you a comforting hug from behind, like its predecessor’s 'hip-grip' feature, prepare for heartbreak. Yamaha's gone cold turkey on that idea. Although the replacement - blue mood-lit, translucent white bodywork that flips up like Dracula's cape – is equally bewildering.

So, you're asking, what's the point? Well, in the grand tradition of concept bikes, Motoroid 2 appears to be... mostly concept. However, Yamaha seems to think it's giving you a pet-like companion for the road. Or, at least, something to turn heads at the 2023 Japan Mobility Show.

Specifications: (I wish I could give more)

- Power Output: TBD

- Battery Capacity: Huge (I assume?)

- Price: Priceless (for the experience of riding a pet, of course)

- Acceleration times: Faster than a sloth, hopefully

Oh Yamaha, in a world where I still grapple with setting up my home Wi-Fi, you've handed us the Motoroid 2. And here I was, thinking that the simple joy of motorcycle riding was just about feeling the wind in your hair (or against the helmet, safety first!) and the thrill of the open road. Silly me! Now, instead of just riding, I've got to wonder if my bike's in the mood for a waltz or if it's waiting for me to pet it goodnight. 

Perhaps, in this modern age, I'm just a relic – a man who gets bamboozled by self-checkouts and wonders why a fridge needs Wi-Fi. Yamaha, with your Motoroid 2, you've certainly spun the wheel (or tilted it, in this case) and reminded me of the intricacies of technology. Is the Motoroid 2 the future? Maybe. Or maybe, it's just the universe's way of telling me to stick to my old, non-dancing, non-needy two-wheelers. But hey, to each their own… futuristic, mood-lit companion!