Captain Electro

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Electric Dreams and a Pinch of Deja Vu: The Mazda Iconic SP

Dear readers, today’s journey is taking you to a place where memories of top-down drives clash with electrifying dreams. No, I haven't had one too many at the bar. I'm talking about Mazda's latest, the Iconic SP.

Now, I’ve seen a thing or two in my time. You mention the Miata or MX-5 and a tear forms in my eye thinking about the good ol' days. The wind in my hair, the revs, the... well, the lack of power. But Mazda seems to be doing a 180, or should I say a 360 (well, 370 PS to be exact).

From a distance, you’d think, "Oh, another Miata!" But hold onto your driving gloves, this isn't the Miata we once knew. This is her futuristic, electric cousin that's hit the gym - hard. There's an aura around the Iconic SP that seems to say, "Yeah, I know I look like my iconic ancestor. But trust me, I’m not here to play games."

Underneath its hood, there’s a twin-rotor rotary engine. And if you're conjuring images of the RX7 FD, you're bang on. But there’s a twist. This rotary's just generating electricity. Makes me wonder if it just wanted a career change. "Gasoline to electricity conversion? Why not?" says the rotary. This technological marvel, called an EREV (Extended Range Electric Vehicle), is the Miata having its cake and eating it too.

Lengthwise, this electric beauty measures 164.2 inches (or 4,180 mm for my metric-loving mates), which is 10.4 inches longer than the current MX-5. She’s also 72.8 inches wide, a bit more than the MX-5 by about 4.5 inches. With a stance that's 3 inches lower, you can tell this car means business. 

But here's where things get interesting. This slightly chubby belle weighs in at 3,197 lbs (1,450 kg), making her a bit heavier than her MX-5 predecessor. But when you’ve got a 365 hp (370 PS) powertrain on your side, who’s counting calories? The power-to-weight ratio makes the MX-5 look like it’s been sipping too many lattes.

Mazda’s brushed this car in what they call a “Viola Red.” Please, it’s not just red. I imagine this is the color cars dream about when they're stuck in the mundane traffic of life. And in the words of Masahiro Moro, Mazda’s big cheese, this car isn't just about transportation. It's about joy. Pure, visceral joy. Although I have to say, for a company that's all about joy, they sure are giving the rest of the industry a run for their money!

Now, let’s get to the meat and potatoes. Carbon-neutral fuel. Renewable energy juicing up the batteries. This car's not just about speed; it’s about sustainability. A near-zero carbon footprint? The world’s changing, and it's lovely to see our beloved car brands keeping up, albeit with a side of roguish charm.

So, there you have it, folks. The Mazda Iconic SP – a dream for electric-heads and Miata-fans alike. It’s the beautiful blend of the past, present, and future. And remember, the future’s electric, but let's not forget where we came from.

Yours truly,

Captain Electro