Captain Electro

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Bricklin is Back, Baby! And This Time, It's Electric And On Three Wheels!

Remember the Bricklin SV1? No? Well, don't worry, most folks don't. It was a Canadian-American oddity with gullwing doors and a penchant for spontaneous combustion. But hey, every car deserves a second chance, right? And this time, it's electric. Welcome to the future, folks, it's called the Bricklin 3EV.

Now, before you start picturing Doc Brown's DeLorean, this ain't that. The 3EV is a three-wheeler, which means it's more tricycle than time machine. And honestly, who needs four wheels when you've got a 275-mile (443 km) electric range and scissor doors? Yes, scissor doors. Move over, Lamborghini, there's a new kid in town.

Malcolm Bricklin, the mastermind behind this quirky contraption, claims the 3EV combines "affordability, value, safety, luxury, performance, and dramatic scissor doors." Now, I'm not sure how much "luxury" you can cram into a three-wheeler, but I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised. After all, this is the guy who brought us Subaru and Yugo. Talk about a mixed bag.

Underneath that wide front end, you'll find a low center of gravity thanks to batteries nestled between the frame rails. That should make for some interesting handling, especially considering this thing only has three wheels. At least it's got anti-lock brakes, a bunch of airbags, and all the electronic nannies you'd expect from a modern EV.

Inside, it's all touchscreen controls, a "premium sound system," and heated seats. Oh, and did I mention the head-up display? Because nothing says "luxury" like a HUD in a three-wheeler. Look, who am I to judge? If you've got $28,980 burning a hole in your pocket, this could be your winning ticket to electric eccentricity.

Now, before you rush out to your nearest Bricklin dealer (do those even exist?), there are a few things to consider. First, this thing hasn't actually been built yet. It's just a concept, a glimmer in Malcolm Bricklin's eye. Second, even if it does make it to production, who knows how it'll actually perform? Will it handle like a go-kart or a shopping cart?

All these questions, and all the skepticism - that's part of the fun, isn't it? Sure, the Bricklin 3EV is a gamble, a wild card in the electric car game. But this is exactly what we need, not just another boring electric SUV, or a minivan. We need electric cars like Bricklin to spice up our increasingly monochrome automotive future. And if you're the kind of person who likes to live on the edge, well, this precisely is the electric tricycle for you. Just remember, you heard it here first.