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Revolution on Waves: The Candela C-8, Electric Foiling Boat Changing the Maritime Game

Now, I want you to imagine the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's called the Candela C-8 and oh boy, it's got a lot to say. You see, it's a bit like when you take an incredibly talented young footballer and infuse him with Messi’s DNA, and what you get is, well, a foiling boat. But not just any foiling boat, it's a beast on water, more like a silent, all-electric white shark that's gone to Oxford.

It took the old C-7 model, ripped out its heart, and shoved in something much, much bigger. Now, it's a plusher, roomier seafaring vessel that’s only a wee bit pricier than the C-7. And here’s the real kicker, it's in the same league as its fossil-fueled counterparts. It’s like getting a premium electric car for the price of a regular petrol-powered one, starting at a mere $362,573 (€330,000) - tax not included, of course.

Now, Candela seems to think the C-8 will be the 'iPhone moment' for the boating industry. You know, the way the iPhone made flip phones about as desirable as a wet ham sandwich. So far, the numbers are backing this up. Since its unveiling in 2021, it’s been flying off the shelves like discounted caviar, making it one of the most popular 28-footers in Europe.

Sure, from a distance, the C-8 might look like a regular boat, but it has more tricks up its sleeve than a street magician. That bright red strut poking out of the back? It’s not just for show. It's connected to the clever C-POD electric drive system. This little marvel can raise itself in shallow water and lower to keep the prop churning while the boat is foiling, all the while adjusting its trim like a top-notch athlete on a high wire.

As for the ride? Picture this. It starts like your average sports boat, but once it hits 16 knots, it takes off like a caffeinated ostrich, with the hull rising above the water. Thanks to this nifty trick, energy consumption is slashed by 80%, and it rides above the waves like a magic carpet – smooth, quiet, and comfortable. The C-8 is expected to foil even in 1.4m waves, but any bigger, and it has to come back down to Earth, or rather, water.

And let's talk power. It needs a full 74 hp to take off, but once it’s in the air, it only needs 21 hp to stay there. That’s five to seven times less than what those overexcited petrol guzzlers need. It even has a sophisticated sensor system that keeps the boat level by adjusting the foils so often, it'd make a fidget spinner dizzy.

But the goodies don’t stop there. The C-8 is larger than the C-7 and comes equipped with a forward cabin boasting a V-shaped berth. The cockpit, meanwhile, has swiveling helm seats and a navigator's seat, ideal for those intimate sea picnics with your maritime buddies.

Although it might cost a bit more than a nice watch upfront, Candela claims the C-8 will cost you about as much to run as a good pair of trainers. It's 95% cheaper to refuel, because who needs petrol when you have electricity? Plus, the C-POD motor won't need an oil change or servicing for 3,000 hours, which is more than most boats see in a lifetime.

With this in mind, Candela’s got big dreams for the C-8, and they’re gearing up to churn out 400 of these beauties a year in their new factory. The question isn’t if you should get one, it’s more like why haven’t you gotten one already?